Longton Genealogy
Have You Got An Ancestor From Longton.
Welcome to the Longton Genealogy home page. We enjoy helping the countless people who are looking for information about their Longton
ancestors - you are certainly not alone.
If you are looking for First World War casualties listed on the War Memorial, we have a page dedicated to it. Click here to see it.
This page is primarily for people who are looking for Longton ancestors. Use it to post queries about specific people in the hope that locals
or other users may be able to help.
One of the main benefits has been the collaboration that has been made possible. Often people find they are looking for the same family,
and you might find that someone has already done the hard work for you!
Pam Harrison
I’m looking for anyone who can tell me anything about the Harrison Family from Longton. My husband and I have
visited the area and I have spoken to a lady who knew Giles (a tailor) very well, He died in 1960 and none seems to
be able to tell us any more.
I saw the spreadsheets produced from the parish registers when we were in the church and wondered if anyone
could look up a baptism for me. I am looking for the baptism of Mary Elizabeth Harrison who, I thought, was
born in 1921 but now some doubt is being thrown on that date. That same Mary Elizabeth was married in the
1940’s (not in Longton) but I believed 2 of her daughters – Annette and Elaine Clarke – were christened in
Longton in 1949 and 1951. Can anyone help me please?
Cliff Cox
HI, my name is cliff cox and as a young man i spent many happy holidays with my cousins Paul and Peter Kirkham at
Longton Nurseries,Back Lane, Longton.Their parents, Frank and Ellen are no longer with us and i wonder if
anyone has any information about the family and business. Any help in this matter would be much
Jan Farnworth
I am a 3X great grand-daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Ellen Southworth who founded the Wilkins brewery in Marsh
Lane, Longton, near Preston. My ancestors also include the families: Hunter, Hunt, Taylor, Tootell, Naylor, Calvert,
Russell, Alston and Lord. If you have any information, please let me know.
If you can help him get back in touch, please email me. info@longtononline.co.uk
Dave Birkbeck
Does anybody remember the Owen family that lived at Greenlands Meadowhead Lane.
I used to visit to call on Elaine the daughter who I met at Morcambe. I just wonder what happened to her and how
her life as panned out;
Happy days! Any help greatly appreciated
Dave Birkbeck, North Yorks